Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Typical Day

So someone asked what I eat on a typical. So here it is:

-Protein shake (I don't do more than 100 calories worth and about 15 grams of protein)

- Leftovers OR Lean Pocket (I try not to exceed 300 calories for lunch)

- 1 serving of Cheez-Its

- Spaghetti or Chicken, rice, and vegetables (I try not to exceed 400 calories for dinner)

I drink water or zero calorie soda. Juice is also ok in small doses and fresh squeezed is great. G2 low calorie Gatorade is also acceptable especially while or after working out.

I do drink alcohol from time to time and on days when I drink I don't eat as many calories. Especially since alcohol is empty calories.

Message me for questions or other examples


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