Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer Vacation!

It's officially summer! Which means kids and teachers are out of school (I'm a teacher so I'm out of school until August! Yippee!), it's dangerously hot outside, everyone is heading to the pool/beach, and people are taking long vacations! Many tend to slack off on their healthy diet during the summer. Let's face's 95 degrees in the shade and you just want lemonade, sweet tea, and ice cream! Don't slack off during the summer. If you love ice cream, swap that out for frozen yogurt and sorbet. It's healthier, has less calories, and is seriously yummy! Eat more fruit! Fruit is refreshing and it's peak season for growing it right now so you can find really fresh fruit for great prices. If you're on vacation it can be extremely difficult to stick to a diet plan, but you can do it! If you still want to eat your favorite foods (for me when I go to the beach I must go to a seafood buffet!) just eat smaller portions. When you get your plate ask for a to-go box immediately and put half of it away for leftovers. Many times we're conditioned to clear our plates, but if we have less on our plate to begin with we'll eat less! Ask for "Light" menus are restaurants. Most restaurants include healthier options and will have lighter dishes for those health-conscious people. If you do slack off during vacation don't beat yourself up about it! It is vacation! Just enjoy yourself and try to pay attention to what you're eating and get as much exercise as you can!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


So most of us hate cardio workouts (i.e. treadmills, elliptical, treadclimber, etc.), but let's face it...if you're trying to lose weight then cardio is what you need! Here's a few cardio tips:

  • Switch It Up: Never do the same machine over and over. That goes for any workout! Your body will basically get used to the workout. Your body is smarter than you think it is and it will learn your routine. Never give your body the chance to "get used to" any workout. 
  • Buddy System: Hate running? Run with a buddy! You will be able to help each other as well as push each other to run harder and faster. If your partner is a fast runner you will naturally run faster to try to keep up. Make it a competition and make sure to cheer each other on. 
  • Entertain Yourself: We all have that one cardio machine we absolutely despise. Take your favorite magazine, the current book your lost in, or turn on your favorite show on Netflix. You'll get so lost in what you're reading or watching that you'll forget you're on that machine you hate. You'll also forget how much time has passed and before you know it, you'll have completed 30 minutes of cardio. 
  • Ignore the Time: Set a timer for 30 minutes, or however long you plan to do cardio, and cover up the time elapsed on the machine. Sometimes you tend to slack towards the end of your cardio workout or you tend to feel defeated and tired. If you aren't paying attention to the time, it won't have a chance to bother you. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Typical Day

So someone asked what I eat on a typical. So here it is:

-Protein shake (I don't do more than 100 calories worth and about 15 grams of protein)

- Leftovers OR Lean Pocket (I try not to exceed 300 calories for lunch)

- 1 serving of Cheez-Its

- Spaghetti or Chicken, rice, and vegetables (I try not to exceed 400 calories for dinner)

I drink water or zero calorie soda. Juice is also ok in small doses and fresh squeezed is great. G2 low calorie Gatorade is also acceptable especially while or after working out.

I do drink alcohol from time to time and on days when I drink I don't eat as many calories. Especially since alcohol is empty calories.

Message me for questions or other examples


Thursday, November 8, 2012


A lot of people have a tendency to skip breakfast. BAD IDEA! Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day, especially when you're trying to lose weight. Protein is the best way to start your day.

Some great breakfast foods that are high in protein:

  • Eggs 
  • Cereal 
  • Oatmeal 
  • Dairy (Milk, Cottage Cheese) 
  • Nuts
  • Soy Products 
  • Grits 
Now most of us, like me, don't have time at 6 in the morning to make and eat cereal and eggs and toast. Each morning I drink a Protein shake. It tastes great AND keeps me pretty full until about 10. Now many protein shakes are gritty and don't taste that great, but I drink EAS Lean 15 and it is really tasty. I drink the chocolate flavor. 

You can find this shake in most stores, like GNC. I purchase mine from Target and it costs about $20 and lasts about a month. There are 30 servings in one container. 

You may also like protein bars, which are also really good and filling. 


10 Minutes. That's ALL YOU NEED

Everybody has 10 minutes to spare. I just did this quick workout and my heart-rate is up and I am SWEATING.

10-Minute Victoria's Secret Models Workout

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Words of Encouragement

If you have an at-home scale, take a sharpie or permanent marker and write words of encouragement on the scale. When you look down to see the number, you'll also see encouraging words. So whether you like the number or not there will be something nice to see.

Here's what written on my scale:
  1. 4 weeks = You; 8 weeks = Friends and Family; 12 weeks = The World --> DON'T QUIT
    • Basically it takes 4 weeks for you to see a change in your body, 8 weeks for your friends and family to notice, and 12 weeks for the world to notice. Don't give up if you don't see progress in the first few weeks...Keep going!
  2. This Number Does NOT Define You!
  3. You're Beautiful
Seems corny, but it really does help. When the number is going in the opposite direction (which it will at times, especially if you're weight-training, muscle weighs more than fat), it is good to be reminded that you are not a failure!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Exercise Tip!

Let's face it, most people hate cardio, but cardio is essential to weightloss. Weight training is great for toning, but to lose weight you need to burn calories and to burn calories you have to get your heartrate up and to increase your heartrate you must do cardio. So if you hate cardio here's a tip: 

Bring you favorite book with you to your least favorite cardio machine or turn on your favorite tv show or movie if you have an at-home machine or netflix on your smartphone. Set a timer for 30 minutes or more. You'll get so engulfed in your book or show that you'll forget you're on the machine. 

Our least favorite machines are usually the ones you need the most, plus you must add variation to your workout so that your body doesn't become too accustomed to your workout and you stop making progress.